
Wine is the perfect accompaniment to a healthy life, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. Wine has many properties that make it beneficial for dieters. It has almost no fat and very few calories, which makes it a great alternative to sugary sodas or high-calorie cocktails. Red wine in particular has anti-oxidants known as polyphenols (or flavonoids) that are believed to have significant health benefits. Red wine also contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that has been linked with numerous health benefits. How does all this add up when trying to lose weight? The answer is: quite nicely! Read on for useful information about how you can use wine as part of a healthy weight loss plan.


Lose Weight With Wine: The Basics

Wine is a type of beverage made from grapes. It has been used for centuries in social and cultural contexts. Drinks made from fermented grapes are also called “wine” (e.g., grape beer is beer made from grapes, not from barley). There are many types of wine. The kind of grapes and how they are fermented give each wine a unique taste and texture. Types of wine include red wine, white wine, rosé wine, sparkling wine, fortified wine, and dessert wine. Red wine is made from dark-skinned grapes, while white wine is made from green or yellow-skinned grapes. Rosé wine is made from red- and white-skinned grapes. Sparkling wine is made by adding carbonation to wine. Fortified wine is a type of wine that has had spirits added to it. Dessert wine is sweet and low in alcohol.


Red Wine for Weight Loss

There is a lot of evidence that red wine is beneficial for health, but especially for healthy weight loss. Red wine might help with weight loss because of its high content of polyphenols, specifically resveratrol. Many studies have found that resveratrol can help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, while also improving blood vessel health. Researchers have also concluded that resveratrol has antioxidant properties, meaning it helps fight against harmful free radicals in the body that can cause cancer and other health problems. When it comes to weight loss, the evidence suggests that resveratrol might help with fat metabolism and blood sugar levels. It may also reduce our appetites by increasing hormones that make us feel full.


White Wine for Weight Loss

Just like red wine, white wine might also be helpful for weight loss. White wine contains resveratrol, but its content is much lower than in red wine. In general, white wine is also lower in calories and sugar than red wine. Studies on white wine have found that it can reduce blood sugar levels and blood pressure, as well as increase “good” cholesterol levels. White wine might also be helpful for weight loss because of its high vitamin C content. Vitamin C has been found to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. One study has found that white wine might help us lose weight, especially when consumed with a high-protein meal like dinner. In that study, people who drank a glass of white wine with dinner reported feeling fuller than people who had red wine. They also consumed fewer calories at dinner than the red wine drinkers. Savvy White Wine has between 30-50% fewer calories still than simular strength regular wines.


Sparkling Wine for Weight Loss

Although sparkling wine is made from grapes, it is often not as healthy as wine made from red or white grapes. Sparkling wine can be high in sugar and calories, while also having a lower amount of resveratrol. That’s why at Savvy our Sparkling White and Pink have been made using our special fermentation process and yeast that turns all the natural sugars into alcohol. A recent study has also concluded that sparkling wine is not as healthy as red wine. The researchers found that red wine had more antioxidants than sparkling wine.


Summing up

Wine is a beverage made from fermented grapes. It is a common element of social and cultural rituals in many cultures. Red wine and white wine are the most commonly consumed types of wine. There are many health benefits of red wine and white wine, including reduced risk of heart disease, improved longevity, reduced blood pressure, and reduced risk of diabetes. Red wine has a higher concentration of polyphenols than white wine. Red wine also has more resveratrol than white wine. Resveratrol is an antioxidant that also has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-ageing properties. Red wine and white wine are great for your health and can help you lose weight. We feel however it’s all about moderation. Life is too short to cut out everything we like. It’s also about finding alternatives and that’s why Savvy Drinks Group has produced Savvy Wines that through a tried and tested fermentation process and a special yeast we’re able to covert all the natural sugars to alcohol and still retain a high alcohol content at 11-12% ABV.